Armide report Nov 26th 2018

Armide report Nov 26th 2018

Photos of recent works undertaken

  • Main boom in place

  • Main boom in place

  • Main boom and gooseneck

  • Laminating the steamed teak for the legs of the main boom support

  • Laminating the steamed teak for the legs of the main boom support

  • Main boom in place

  • Interior joinery details in the owners’ cabin

  • Interior joinery details in the owners’ cabin

  • Mast wedges being fitted to the correct mast rake

  • Finishing details in the fore-cabin.

  • Temporary lead on the foredeck during finalising of the mast rake

  • Mast wedges being fitted to the correct mast rake

  • Finishing details in the aft bathroom.

  • Tanks visible during fitting of the stained and brushed oak cabin soles

  • Tanks visible during fitting of the stained and brushed oak cabin soles

  • Finalising the mast rake

  • Tanks visible during fitting of the stained and brushed oak cabin soles

  • Finalising the mast rake

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