Armide report May 14th 2018

Armide report May 14th 2018

Photos of recent works undertaken

  • Plywood template for the capping rail at the stem head.

  • Capping rails positioned both sides prior to rounding off.

  • Foundry pattern for the forward bulwark support.

  • Plywood template for the capping rail at the stem head.

  • Teak doghouse roof and margins with mitred corner.

  • Main mast deck collar installation.

  • Teak cockpit bench seating.

  • Epoxy filling the topsides prior to fairing works.

  • Making the foundry pattern on the stem for the gammon iron support (laminated on orange tape).

  • Upper rudder bearing being fitted

  • Profile of transom showing liaison piece between transom and bulwarks.

  • Electrical cabling conduit being prepared for gluing into the mast.

  • Electrical cabling conduit being prepared for gluing into the mast.

  • Radiused corners on top of samson post.

  • Inside corner of aft deck hatch guttering.

  • Teak fairing piece between arch-board and bulwark rail

  • Control panel for all deck lighting

  • Main saloon skylight lifters currently with CW supplier for customisation works.

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