Armide works photo report Feb 2017

Armide works photo report Feb 2017

Photos of recent works undertaken

  • Aft deck partially removed for access to new frames and sheer-strakes

  • Planking works aft

  • Aft deck partially removed for access to new frames and sheer-strakes

  • Drilling for the stern tube

  • Laminating new oak deck beams with correct camber

  • New frame heads with covering boards and sheer-strake removed

  • Heels of steam bent ash frames where they enter into the mortices in the wooden keel

  • Template for the plank above the garboard on the starboard side

  • Grown oak frame works aft starboard with original horn timber and stern post

  • Grown oak frame works aft port with original horn timber and stern post

  • Repair works on the stern post with planking removed and new frames in place

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