ARMIDE works update – 27th November 2017

ARMIDE works update – 27th November 2017

Photos of recent works undertaken

  • Bronze eye to take tie rod underneath mainmast forestay bottlescrew at foremast base

  • Limber hole cord in place prior to tank installation

  • Mock-up works on the forward cabin for owner approval

  • Tank in situ with owners’ cabin sole beams cut to fit to inspection openings

  • Piping clips with bronze screws into oak frames below the cabin sole level.

  • Battery box with glassed interior

  • Doghouse skylight cover frames

  • Doghouse skylights with sealer coats of varnish.

  • Deck strake works nearing completion

  • Original steering mechanism set-up for angle and auto pilot motor checks

  • Woodworks faired where lower section of rudder trunk passes through the hull

  • Detail of bronze rudder strap at mid-bearing prior to being let-in to the rudder blade.

  • Tank being lifted up onto the deck for first fitting

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