ARMIDE – Skylights report

ARMIDE – Skylights report
June 15
th 2017


  • Sap wood has been used for the timber in certain pieces and, apart from being less durable, this is a different colour from the main timber that is used.

  • The main centerline gutters are laminated from 3 pieces whilst these are usually made from one piece, two at most

  • The joints in the main lifting window panels are not known so we cannot be sure that they will not crack when correctly dogged down

  • Some dovetails have been locally repaired and the glue joints show signs of fissures that will eventually let in water and stain the varnish.

  • Wood has darkened on some corners where the varnish has cracked

  • The system for ensuring a watertight seal on the skylights is basic and almost certainly not water tight if they take a large wave or high pressure washing.

  • All skylights will require almost full replacement of hardware

  • There is no allowance for having a simple system for the removal of the glass protection bars for cleaning and during varnishing.

  • Wood thickness is generally 35mm so on the light side for a yacht of this size and relatively wide skylights. 38mm to 40mm would be expected.

  • Certain glass panels are cracked and of various different design patterns.

  • Wood mouldings holding the glass panels in place are poorly attached

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