ARMIDE works update – June 2017


Photos of recent works undertaken

  • Bronze floors prior to keel bolt installation.

  • Oak bilge stringers, new shelfs and new deck beams with bronze floors viewed looking aft.

  • Laminated oak deck beams dovetailed into new beam shelf. Viewed from forward.

  • Half beams at mast being installed

  • Laminated oak deck beams dovetailed into new beam shelf. Viewed from aft

  • Topside and below waterline planking complete. Topsides splined and below waterline planking caulked. Fairing and sanding to be completed.

  • Oak bilge stringers, new shelfs and new deck beams with bronze floors and cabin sole beam, viewed looking forward.

  • Thread on custom 40mm keel bolt and nut

  • Lead keel in place with oak cladding on sides of wooden keel and deadwood

  • Keel bolt nuts, washers, backing plates and locking nuts prior to threading of inside of nuts.

  • Lead keel being drilled for keel bol

  • Hanging knee patterns

  • Hanging knee templates, starboard side aft.

  • Countersinking the underside of the keel for keel bolt heads and washers


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