ARMIDE works update – end September 2016

ARMIDE works update – end September 2016Photos of recent works undertaken


  • Interior stem doubling early October

  • Sketch of proposed new bronze cast floors (fwd and aft)

  • Sketch of proposed new bronze plate floors (amidships)

  • Bilge stringer templates mid October

  • Sketch of typical proposed new bronze plate floors and plywood templates of two floors. Note in the sketch: the two bronze bolts securing the floors to the wooden keel, independent of the lead keel bolts. Sketches not to scale.

  • Laser measurements for new lead keel drawing early October

  • Threads on two removed keel bolts early October

  • steam bent and grown frame repairs, looking forward – early October 2016.

  • steam bent and grown frame repairs, looking aft – early October 2016

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